Satellite Phones

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Satellite Phone Information

This page is a collaboration of information regarding satellite phones. It contains information about dealers, providers, as well as reviews. MAFLink offers information about satellite phones; we do not sell satellite phones, nor do we offer satellite phone service.

  • Dealers
  • Providers
  • Support

Preferred Communications (Dealer)

MAFLink has been recommending the services of Preferred Communications for several years. Their staff are fully trained professionals who are capable of answering all your questions about satellite communications and making your purchasing experience educational and satisfactory. They have an impeccable record of serving the Christian Missions and Humanitarian community.

Preferred Communications Links and information:
  • Iridium
  • Thuraya
  • Inmarsat
  • Globalstar

Preferred Communications
410 Central Ave.
Butner, NC 27509

Domestic Phone: 1 (877) 589-9800
Domestic Fax: 1 (919) 575-4633

International Phone: 001-919-575-4600

[email protected]

UUPlus (Service Provider)

If you or someone you know frequently uses a satellite phone to send and receive e-mail, you know how costly it can be. Here’s some much needed good news: UUPlus, a sat-phone e-mail provider has the best compression ratio of any product we’ve seen. Utilizing a custom transport protocol, full duplexing, compression and message batching, UUPlus can increase data throughput up to 400%.

Here’s how it works. When mail is sent through your POP3 client such as Outlook Express, UUPlus grabs it, bundles it into one message, compresses it, strips off and separately compresses attachment. All mail is routed through a UUPlus server where the bundled and zipped files are decompressed and unbundled. Attachments are reattached and the messages are routed to their intended recipients.

UUPlus has been tested and works with mini-m, Iridium, ACeS as well as some GSM cellular phones and Codan HF equipment. Check out the UUPlus website for more information.

Support Information

Communications Options Guide – Check out this short guide to help you evaluate your best option for remote communications.

At over $1 a minute and commonly a 2400 bps connection we are all biting our nails as we’re counting our bytes! Here are some ways to save on your data bill:

  • E-mail sending disciplines
  • Choosing an ISP and E-mail client
  • Data compression

Iridium Support:

  • User Manuals and Training
  • Information (by Preferred Communications)